A similar assignment foresees a comprehensive analysis of the company business culture and goals, in order to ensure an alignment of the teams to the organization values and the sharing of its long term vision. While this picture is clarified and well communicated, the service foresees an assistance to the company managers in a more operating level, facing topics like:

  • WORK ALLOCATION: through the set up of a company chart, enlightening the team members' position in the venture, it is possible to create the job description of each resource, his/her communication links and work contribution, assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational allocation. The full analysis, extended to direct interviews with the wide audience composed of managers, employees, partners, suppliers, and clients, includes the understanding of any existing informal network and authority able to provide a different picture of the forrmal company hierarchy and structure.
  • INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: this area is connected to the DATA KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM faced in the SUPPLY CHAIN service, and it represents its natural continuation. As a matter of fact, while the first is addressed in setting up or improving the storage and protection of the company data, along with its access and distribution processes, this service has the scope to define its use within the staff, in other terms how to apply the shared knowledge in all teams' work and daily activities.
  • COMPENSATION POLICIES: by this service, GruppoBPC Consulting helps entrepreneurs in creating and managing an effective compensation system within the enterprise, taking into account the underlying organization values and goals, the team or individual contributions, and the fixed societal and competitive performance parameters. The whole study is focused on issuing shared rules in the allocation process, creating positive challenging policies ensuring enthusiasm, energy and spread organization harmony.