GruppoBPC Consulting supports the Clients in executing the clear communication set of actions executing their established marketing strategy, based on its Implementation Plan. And we intend a practical and operating assistance, side by side with the entrepreneurs and the managers in setting up all marketing materials necessary to carry out the subsequent marketing campaign.
The consultancy is managed with the direct involvement of the art directors and designers of GruppoBPC Consulting who will be in charge to study all necessary communication tools, taking care of:
- DESIGN: studying the layout in terms of style and graphic design, upon the brand guidelines and the scope of the communication campaign, creating recurring "themes" based on the profile of the target and homogeneous content of the message.
- COPYWRITING: studying and drafting all texts upon the scope and the targeted clientele, creating effective, consistent and appealing messages.
- MEDIA CAMPAIGN: planning all concrete actions to be executed on multiple platforms/channels, to build brand awareness, to generate visibility, and to stimulate sales. This set of services include the preparation of the material, its convey into the media channel and the management of the interaction with the targeted audience.